Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Summer has arrived just in time!

We have had two weeks of dull and rainy weather since we arrived in the UK but the last few days have been beautiful here in Knowle. Great timing with the Olympics starting next week. With the sunny weather we have been spending lots of time in the local Blythe river that is only about a mile from the house. Just around the corner from Mieke and James', if you take the back road to Solihull, the Blythe River crosses the road and you have to drive through a ford. This has been very exciting for the kids as it got up to 3 feet high when it was rainy last week. Now it has dropped down again the kids want to go through the ford in the car 'Really fast Mummy!!' and we have had alot of fun walking to the ford and playing in it and getting really really wet!  

Bella, Sari and Noah in the Blythe River
We drove to Worcester on Sunday afternoon and had a picnic with James' family at Gheluvelt Park. The park has a Splashpad which is a wonderful spray park with fountains and sprayers spraying water in all the directions. James niece and nephews Jacob, Sam and Lucy were there and all the kids had a marvelous time. The adults were treated to brass band music from the band rotunda on the lake and the band surprised with some modern hits like Poker face by Lady Gaga!

Sunday afternoon picnic at Ghuluvelt Park.

Noah, Lucy, Sam, Bella, Sari and Jacob (you can see the spray park behind)

We feel like we are settling into daily life here with Mieke and James. 5 kids is at times chaos but at other times amazing like when Mieke cooked chocolate muffins with the oldest three.

'There is some mixture left in the bowl!'

Noah has given up his bedroom to the three Willis girls and is sharing his toys with them too and all this with an amazing attitude. At only 2 and a half this is remarkable. The babies have alot of fun together and even though they are so young they interact and play together.

Phoebe and Elijah sharing dinner

Steve is in Spelleto for the next few days catching up with Nick and Sierra. Nick will have a final hit out tomorrow with a time trial before he leaves to be in London for the opening ceremony on Friday night. We are planning an Opening ceremony party here with the kids excited to set up their beds in front of the television. Black and white balloons, face paint, party poppers and popcorn will keep us entertained as we wait for the New Zealand team to enter the Olympic Stadium (darn that alphabetical order with 'N' so far towards the end!) and we will try to catch a glimpse of our Uncle Nick!

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