Thursday 12 July 2012

The Allotment

Mieke and James live in an old '2 up 2 down', thats a small attached terrace house that has 2 rooms on the ground floor and 2 rooms on first floor, and the house is over 100 years old. The house is surrounded by farm land and backs onto to a field and was probably built as accomodation for farm workers. About a hundred metres down the road from their house Mieke and James have an allotment; a garden plot on a farmers land, and they have an amazing vege garden growing. It has been so much fun for the girls to go down to the allotment and for Noah to show them all the veges as well as the sand pit that is there. The exciting crop at the moment is strawberries and there are so many that the novelty of picking them has almost worn off! Today the weather cleared up and we spent time down there with Bella really getting into the weeding. Noah and Sari had fun in the sandpit and filling and carrying the watering cans and we all ate strawberries and peas! 

Sari and Noah at the allotment, with Mieke and Bella in the background

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