Sunday 22 April 2012

On the hunt for a white squirrel

On Friday we went for a walk in Nichols Arboretum or 'the Arb' as the locals call it. It is a big park, like a botanical gardens, in the middle of Ann Arbor that runs alongside the Huron River. It was a beautiful spring day and we saw geese and three goslings, chipmunks and a black squirrel. Bella and Sari are captivated by squirrels and are always on the look out for a bushy tail as we are walking or riding. We are now on the lookout for a white squirrel as we hear they are very rare. The weather on Friday was about 20 degrees Celsius then it changed remarkably this weekend with the high today being 40 degrees Fahrenheit  - only 4 degrees Celsius! We have gone from wearing singlets to our fleeces, jackets and gloves! It feels like we have had New Zealand summer and winter in one week!
The Arb

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