Friday 15 June 2012

Fireflies and Lightning bugs

Tonight we arrived home late after being at Independance Lake for a swim and BBQ. It was very hot here today and it was just starting to get dark as the girls were going off to bed and we looked out the window at our front lawn and we saw a flash of light! The girls were super excited as they have heard about fireflies and lightning bugs, we are not quite sure of the difference, but we have not had a hot day and a late night which are both needed for firefly spotting. So Sari in her knickers and Bella in her pajamas ran around outside after these little flies so amazed that they have a flashing light at the end of their bodies! They tried to catch one and eventually they got a firefly into Phoebes empty baby food jar and with a nice piece of grass, a leaf and a couple of holes in the lid the firefly was set for the night. He is sitting on the end of Bella's bed and Sari thinks he will be a good night light tonight and then she will set him free to be with his friends again. 

1 comment:

  1. Go Team Willis! Great to read your blog and catch up on all the hard work and fun you've been having.

