We have had no access to the internet at our house this week
so sorry that it has been a while between blogs.
It was a busy week last week! Monday we visited the Hands on
Childrens Museum and had so much fun
trying to construct an igloo out of giant foam bricks. The girls
favourite exhibits were a giant whisper dish that you could whisper into and
hear each other 20 metres away and a giant bubble machine that you stepped over
and into and pulled up a rope that brought a bubble right up and over your head!
Tuesday was over 90 F here and Nick did a great very early
morning workout at the track with his training partners. Will and Brandon left
for Oregon this week to compete in the US Olympic trials so we wish them all
the best!
Wednesday was so hot again and we were lucky enough to be invited
to the lake with our friends we met at the park. Carissa (Mum) Leila (5) and
Iris (almost 3). live just two blocks away. They have the most amazing backyard
that Carissa said was a mistake when they were planning the city and there
should have been another street where their yard is! It just goes on and on!
They belong to a co-operative community called Friends Lake where you pay a
yearly subscription for access to a lake 25mins drive from Ann Arbor and the use of an amazing
facility right on the water with a playground, shallow swimming area for the
kids plus toys, picnic area, kayaks and canoes and more. The lake has many
rafts that you can swim to and Bella was very excited to swim out the raft in a
lifejacket with her two friends! We took a picnic and spent all day and it was
just so wonderful to escape the heat of the city and enjoy a relaxing time with
Thursday we had a small group BBQ at Nick and Sierras house
to say goodbye and wish them well. Nick and Sierra leave for Europe on the 4th
July and we will fly out on the 5th July so it is about ten days now
until we leave. We are starting to
think about packing up the house and packing our bags.
On Friday Nick did a super workout on the track which we
were all excited about. It is fantastic to see him striding out so fast on the
track and making it all look so effortless. It is one of Nick strengths to
appear like he is just cruising when he is actually giving it all he has. The
goal is to be able to be as relaxed as possible while running as fast as
possible and trying to avoid ‘rigging’ it down the home straight. This is when
a runner gets so tired and starts to tighten up all his muscles and his heads
starts bobbing around. NIck has an amazing relaxed and fluid running style that
we are planning for him to use to pass those ‘rigging it’ in the Olympic 1500m
Saturday we had fun at Gallup Park in the sand and the
spray, went swimming in the pool and then had our neighbours in the complex
here, Ryan, Megan, AJ (5) and Livvy
(10 months) over for a BBQ. Phoebe has been very busy this week pulling up on the coffee
table, chairs, cot and the couch! She also has one new tooth on the top left!
Sunday Aunty Sierra did a sprint distance triathalon and we
all enjoyed cheering her on to a great race. We then all went to church where
they had a Popsicle Reception for
Nick where we all ate popsicles together outside and farewelled and wished him
well for the Olympics. 6 weeks to go!