Saturday 5 May 2012

The Three Bears and the wagons at Detroit Zoo

Bella, Sari and Phoebe invited their friend Silas to the Detroit Zoo on Friday. Silas's Dad Tony drove them as he is a Detroit local and knew the way on the big freeway.  It was a bit drizzly and overcast but the animals seemed to like this so we could see them all out having lots of fun.
Mariah, Tony, Silas and Sari spotting seals
The polar bears were Bella's favorite, Sari really liked the Zebras and Phoebe missed most of it asleep in the front pack!
Sari's Zebra
Sari being a Lion

We were very excited when we came across the Three Bears! Having read about them often in stories it was wonderful to finally meet them! These three bears came from Alaska and are about 7 months old, so still babies really. They lost their mummy when they were very little so they came to live at the Detroit Zoo.  

The Three Bears
Grizzly Bear close up!

We saw lots and lots of kids riding in wagons which we found a bit peculiar but this seemed to be the way to get around at the Detroit Zoo. Some had drink holders and places for snacks and we even saw one with a roof. We thought maybe this could take off back home at the Wellington Zoo but Caro didn't think most parents would make it up that hill towing a wagon!

The favourite mode of transport

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